Monday, December 14, 2015

Soap Carving

Professional Photos:

Process Photos:

Artist Statement:
           I knew in the beginning of this project I was going to have a struggle because I have never carved before and had to enlarge the sculpture from the animal figurine modeled after. Surprisingly, olive oil soap works the best when carving something out for the first time, its easy to carve into and if you make a mistake it can be fixed with water. However the soap shavings would be found everywhere once this project was finished. I found the turned head to be difficult to carve out because the rest of the body was symmetrical to carve out except for the head and there is very awkward shape underneath the chin area to the front feet. The ears had to be molded separately due to not enough soap around the head area, as well as one of the sculptures tails. I know a few areas are out of proportion and wished to add more detail but it's not bad for a first timer.

Soap Carving Changes - Link:

Writing Response (Janine Antoni) - Link:

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